Lenten Book Study

Lenten Book Study

Beginning Sunday, February 18, our adult ed class will be studying Luther’s Large Catechism. Pick up a book in the church office ($12 suggested donation) and join us in the church library at 9:15am on Sunday mornings to discuss this gem, full of Luther’s wit and Biblical wisdom.

Midweek Lenten Services & Soup Suppers

Midweek Lenten Services & Soup Suppers

Beginning Wednesday, February 21, we will be having midweek Lenten services and soup suppers. Worship will be at Noon and 6:00PM, with soup following.

Our theme for worship will be:

Meditations on Luther’s Large Catechism
You are invited to sign up to bring soup or bread or to volunteer to help with set up and/or clean up. Sign up sheets can be found on the round table in the narthex.
Lutherwood Update and Q&A

Lutherwood Update and Q&A

Lutherwood is our ministry of the month for February. On Sunday, February 11, we will have an update and Q&A session led by Mike Dilley in the church library at 9:15am. All are welcome. Come learn more about our camp!

Psalms Bible Study

Psalms Bible Study

Begin the new year by joining us for a four-session study of the Psalms, beginning January 7. This class will be taught in the church library both on Sunday mornings from 9:15AM-10:15AM, and again on Wednesday evenings from 7:00PM-8:00PM. Bring your Bibles and come explore the psalms!