Join in celebrating New Year’s Eve with friends, Bunco, and finger foods. Not cost, just bring your favorite finger food. Everyone is welcome!
Join in celebrating New Year’s Eve with friends, Bunco, and finger foods. Not cost, just bring your favorite finger food. Everyone is welcome!
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24: Christmas Eve
(No 8:00AM service) 10:30AM: Worship, including the Sunday School Christmas Program 7:00PM: Worship (nursery provided) 10:00PM: Worship
10:00AM: Worship Our normal schedule resumes Dec. 31, with services at 8:00AM and 10:30AM
Our Sharing Tree is up! Here’s how it works: Take a tag from the tree, purchase the gift/s listed on the tag, and then bring the gift AND the tag back to the church by the designated time.
There’s also a “No Shop” option: Take any tag from the tree and return it to the church office with case or a check donation to cover the cost, and someone will purchase items and deliver them for you.
Please return all items by SUNDAY, DECEMBER 17. Make sure the Sharing Tree gift tag is visibly attached to the gift, whether the gift is wrapped or not. All gift cards should be taken to the church office along with the tag from the Sharing Tree.
This year’s gift recipients include:
Join us this Advent season for our adult Bible study on Sunday mornings and midweek Advent services on Wednesdays as we “Shake the Branches of Jesus’ Family Tree.” Through Bible study on Sundays and dramatic presentations on Wednesdays we will learn more about what the genealogy of Jesus tells us about who he is and why he came, and what it means for us who have been grafted into this same family through faith.
Our midweek services will include a midday liturgy at Noon and Holden Evening Prayer at the 6:00PM service. Soup suppers will follow.
We’re collecting warm, preferably washable coats in all sizes, children through adults. Clean and gently-used coats are welcome, too, as well as mittens, gloves, hats, and new, warm socks. Items may be placed in the designated bin in the narthex. We’ll share them with neighbors in need on Whidbey and in the Skagit Valley.
We’ll have our annual epic hot chocolate bar with all kinds of add-ins so you can make your masterpiece.