You are invited!

You are invited!

All are welcome to join us for Holy Week and Easter at OHLC. Our Maundy Thursday service will be held on April 6 at 7pm. Good Friday services will be held on April 7 at Noon & 7pm. Easter Sunday worship services are at 8am and 10:30am. We will also have a festive Easter breakfast from 9am-10:15am, and an Easter egg hunt for the kids at 9am. Come commemorate our Lord’s last week, and celebrate the resurrection!

Adult Education for Lent

Adult Education for Lent

Lent is a time to be re-rooted in the fundamentals of our Christian faith. This year we’re going to do a deep dive into the Apostles’ Creed for our Lenten adult study. We meet in the church library from 9:15-10:15. This will also be our theme for our midweek Lenten services on Wednesdays. Come learn more about the words we recite in worship summarizing what we believe!



We will celebrate Pi(e) Day on Sunday, March 19 (a few days after the mathematical pun date of 3.14). All are welcome to come to the Fellowship Hall after the 10:30 service to enjoy a slice (Or 10. We cut them small.) Pie bakers are invited to bring a contribution to share. Let us know if you’ll be be bringing a pie via the Connection Card or by contacting Rita Cline.

FEB. 26: Youth & Family Night!

FEB. 26: Youth & Family Night!

Join us from 6-7:30 as we enjoy warm, soft pretzels and all kinds of delicious dipping sauces.  We’ll also explore the relationship between pretzels, prayer, and the season of Lent.  All are welcome!  Join us for a fun night of faith and family!