Sermon for the First Sunday in Lent – February 18, 2024

CLICK HERE for a worship video for February 18

Sermon for the First Sunday in Lent – February 18, 2024

Mark 1:9-15

Dear friends, grace to you and peace from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.

The wilderness isn’t always a physical place. It isn’t always a burning desert or some place way out in the woods.

Sometimes the wilderness is a medical diagnosis that changes everything and makes the weeks and months ahead look foreboding. Sometimes the wilderness is a struggling marriage that makes your home a challenging place to be rather than a place of comfort and refuge. Sometimes the wilderness is grief over the loss of a loved one, whose absence in your life aches like an amputated limb. Sometimes the wilderness is feeling lost and alone in the world, even when you’re surrounded by people. Sometimes the wilderness is a feeling of bewilderment (there’s a great word). Sometimes it is that feeling of confusion and anxiety and even despair when life feels overwhelming and out of control.

When Jesus entered the wilderness, he was facing more than the elements. For him, the wilderness was not only a physical place. It was a place where a spiritual battle took place. For forty days, Jesus was tempted by Satan. In the other gospels we get the details of what these temptations were: Jesus was tempted to turn stones into bread. He was tempted to throw himself down from the pinnacle of the Temple in order to prove that God would rescue him. He was tempted to take hold of all the kingdoms of the world if he would only bow down and worship the evil one. St. Mark, however, doesn’t get specific. Rather than three dramatic battles, Mark describes the temptations as a slow burn. For him, it is enough to say that “he was in the wilderness forty days, tempted by Satan.” The wilderness wasn’t just a physical place with physical challenges. The wilderness was forty days of spiritual attack.

While it was the Spirit who drove Jesus into the wilderness, God did not leave Jesus out there alone to fend for himself. God equipped Jesus with resources for survival in this wilderness. First of all, when Jesus went out into the wilderness, his hair was still wet from his baptism! He still had God’s voice ringing in his ears, saying, “You are my Son, the Beloved.” Jesus went into the wilderness with a promise. He went into the wilderness with an identity that helped him endure that season of spiritual attack. God also provided him with angels to wait on him in the wilderness. God provides these same resources for wilderness survival to us.

Today is not only the first Sunday in Lent. It is also the commemoration day for Martin Luther, who died on this date, February 18, in 1546. One of the more exciting episodes in Luther’s life was when he was kidnapped by his own prince and taken into protective custody at the Wartburg Castle. He had just been declared an outlaw by the emperor after refusing to recant his teachings at the Diet of Worms. There was a warrant out for his arrest, and a death sentence was a very real possibility if he were to be captured. So, his sympathetic prince kidnapped him and hid him away in the Wartburg Castle.

Luther spent 10 months in protective custody. He used the time productively, translating the Bible into common German, but it was also for Luther a time in the wilderness. It was a season of spiritual attack. He was isolated and alone. His future was uncertain at best. His very life was in danger. Luther began to experience spiritual despair, which he attributed to the devil. He described the evil one as being like a fly buzzing around his head as he tried to do his work, distracting him by tempting him to give in to his fears. At one point, Luther famously threw an ink well at the devil, leaving a stain on the wall that you can still see today.

The way Luther defended himself against these attacks is instructive. He would remind himself over and over again, “I am baptized. I am baptized.” This reminder strengthened him. He used it to shoo the devil away. God gave Luther a promise and an identity which helped him survive in the wilderness. Remembering that he was baptized helped him withstand these temptations to despair.

This is the power of baptism. This is what Peter writes in our epistle reading for today. Just as God used water to save Noah and his family, God uses water to save us. “Baptism now saves you,” Peter writes. Peter describes part of the power of baptism as being “an appeal to God for a good conscience.” It helps put our mind at ease. It is a comfort to us. We too have heard the Father speak to us, saying “You are my son, you are my daughter, my beloved,” and so we too can call on this promise for a good conscience whenever we find ourselves in the wilderness. We too can claim this identity for strength and peace of mind whenever we find ourselves under spiritual attack.

For a long time I didn’t know the date of my baptism. My home congregation gave me a quilt when I was ordained there, and one of the panels has a picture of the church with a line for my birthdate and a line for my baptism date. My birthday was there, but the baptism date line was blank. The church couldn’t find it in their records. My parents weren’t sure. My mom couldn’t find the baptism certificate. I never doubted that I was baptized, but around the time my own kids were baptized and we started celebrating their baptism anniversaries, it bothered me more and more that I didn’t know.

One day, back when we lived in southwestern Washington, I went out to the mailbox and there was a manila envelope. It was addressed to me. The return address was from my mom, who was living in Arizona at the time. I took it into the parsonage and opened it up, and inside was my baptism certificate. A picture of me with my mom and dad beside the font was paperclipped to the side. There was the date, July 18, 1971 – exactly two months after I was born.

This came in the midst of an awful week. I can’t even remember the details, but I remember being super anxious about things that were happening in my congregation at the time. I remember there were stressful things going on in my personal life. And here, out of the blue, came my baptism certificate. I remember standing over my kitchen table, looking at it and weeping. It wasn’t just that now I had the proof, like I wasn’t going to be saved without the paperwork in hand. It wasn’t just the picture, which meant so much to have. It wasn’t just that now, at last, I knew the date and could fill in that blank on my quilt. It was that at that moment I was reassured that I belonged to God. I was – I am – baptized. I have a promise and an identity that was bigger than the evil one who had been buzzing around my head.

Being reminded of our baptism is a powerful resource for surviving in the wilderness. When the evil one is flying around your head, you too can shoo him away by repeating to yourself, “I am baptized! I am baptized!” You can remember who and whose you are. You can remember that God has claimed you and made you his own, that you are his forgiven, beloved child.

Sometimes these resources for wilderness survival come through baptism. Other times they come through people. You see, God sends angels to wait on us too. God sends angels to help strengthen us in the wilderness. In fact, I saw one here just this last Sunday.

One of our members had major surgery to treat breast cancer this week. Last Sunday I watched as one of our other members, who had been through the same surgery herself years ago, went up to her. I couldn’t hear what was said, and it would have been rude to eavesdrop anyway, but I watched from across the narthex as they held each other’s hands. Their eyes were locked in on each other. It looked like the one was putting her strength into the other. There was some nodding and some tears and a hug. And our member with breast cancer walked away standing taller. I mean, she was visibly strengthened by the exchange.

For all the problems and frustrations of church life – and there are many – here is something beautiful about our life together in the church. There are these angel appearances we get to witness, or be part of ourselves – whether we’re on the giving end or the receiving end. This is just one particularly beautiful example. We also have angels ministering to people in the wilderness of addiction through the three addiction recovery groups we host here at OHLC. We have an angel in Pastor Laurie as she ministers to people in the wilderness of grief. We have angels ministering under the banner of Stephen Ministry. We have people who just informally find each other in our congregation and end up ministering to each other in various ways. God continues to send angels as we care for each other when one of us is in the wilderness.

Like our Lord Jesus, after we are baptized – whenever that happens in our lives – we are thrust out into the world and its wildernesses. As soon as the Word is spoken over us, the temptations begin. The evil one starts buzzing around our heads, trying to distract us, trying to get us to give in to our fears, trying to lure us into despair.

But God does not leave us to fend for ourselves. God gives us powerful resources for surviving in the wilderness. In Holy Baptism God has given us a promise we can use to shoo the devil away. God has given us an identity to call on and hold fast to. God sends angels to minister to us, to help us to be strong. Best of all, God sends us his Beloved Son, who meets us in the wilderness to assure us that he has already been there himself, and so we are never alone.

Thanks be to God. Amen.

Rev. Jeffrey R. Spencer

Oak Harbor Lutheran Church

Sermon for Ash Wednesday – February 14, 2024

Sermon for Ash Wednesday – February 14th, 2024

Joel 2:1-2, 12-17, Psalm 51:1-12, Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21

Dear friends, grace to you and peace from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.

Hearts are everywhere today. The grocery stores are filled with heart-shaped balloons and heart-shaped boxes of chocolate. Kids are coming home from school with heart-shaped candies and Valentine cards with hearts on them. Social media is flooded with them in various shades of red and pink.

Much has been made of the fact that Valentine’s Day is the same day as Ash Wednesday this year. What is interesting to me in light of this odd juxtaposition of holiday and holy day is that there are hearts all over our Ash Wednesday readings too.

But these hearts aren’t the sugary kind. They do not convey sweet or romantic sentiments. In the Bible, the heart represents our innermost being. The heart represents the core of who we are, our deepest self. It represents the center of the will. And more often than not, when the Bible is talking about the heart, it is because human beings have serious heart trouble! Such is the case in our readings for today.

First, we have the prophet Joel. Joel calls the people of Judah to brace themselves for a coming calamity. It is unclear whether Joel sees this calamity as a literal plague of locusts or as an invading Assyrian army, but neither option would have been good for the people of Judah. As this calamity bears down on them, he speaks God’s word to them, saying, “Yet even now, says the LORD, return to me with all your heart.”

In the face of this calamity, Joel calls the people to repent. He calls them to turn back to God. Their hearts have wandered away from God, as hearts often do. They have been half-hearted in their relationship with God. And so, through Joel, God says: “Return to me with all your heart.”

Through Joel, God also says, “Rend your hearts and not your clothing.” People used to show their repentance by tearing their clothing, or by putting on sackcloth. But God wanted something more here. He didn’t just want an outward display – he wanted a change inside! He wanted a heart that was broken as they recognized their sin, a heart willing to change, a heart which was ready to return to him.

This is what Ash Wednesday is all about. This is what Lent is all about. It isn’t about showing people how pious we are by what we give up. It isn’t just about the outward display of ashes on our heads. It is about returning to the Lord with all our heart, with all that we are. It is about having our hearts broken as we recognize our sin so that God can put them back together again. We can do this, Joel says, we can return to the Lord our God, because he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love!

Next we have Psalm 51. This psalm was written by King David after he was convicted by Nathan for the adultery and murder he committed out of his lust for Bathsheba. David’s heart had been broken in recognition of his sin. He saw that his sin was more than just a momentary lapse in judgement. It was condition. “Indeed, I was born steeped in wickedness,” David confesses. In this psalm he turns to God for forgiveness. “Remove my sins with hyssop,” he says, “and I will be clean; wash me and I will be as pure as snow.” And then a little later he says, “Create in me a clean heart, O God.”

David knows he can’t clean his own heart. He knows he needs God’s help. He knows he needs God’s saving power to purify his heart. And so, he turns to God in repentance and faith. He asks God to do for him what he cannot manage to do for himself: “Create in me a clean heart, O God!”

Likewise, through our extended confession coming up shortly we turn to God in repentance and faith, asking him to create in us clean hearts. We can’t clean our own hearts any more than we can do heart surgery on ourselves. But by turning to God in repentance and faith, we place our hearts in the hands of the One who can help us, the One who can give us clean hearts, the One who can restore us to the joy of his salvation.

We’ll talk about this more on Sunday when we begin our study of the Large Catechism, but in his discussion of the First Commandment, Luther describes idolatry as a heart issue.  It is a heart problem. Luther writes: “That…upon which you set your heart and put your trust is properly your god. Therefore, it is the intent of this commandment to require such true faith and trust of the heart as regards the only true God, and rest in him alone.” He argues that whatever our hearts cling to for comfort or security are really our gods, and our heart problem is that these hearts of ours do a lot of clinging to lots of things that are not the one true God! Our hearts cling to money and possessions, to power and popularity, to superstitions and made-up religions, and above all, to the self.

This latter idolatry, the idolatry of the self, is especially pernicious in our day. We have at least three or four generations now who have grown up in a culture which tells us that life is about self-actualization, and the way to self-actualization is to follow our hearts. Isn’t that the theme of just about every Disney movie of the last couple decades? Every tawdry romance novel ever? Almost every self-help book?

From a biblical perspective, however, the last thing you want to follow is your heart! Most of the time, following your heart is the problem! The prophet Jeremiah says the human heart is the most deceitful of all things and desperately sick. Jesus said that it is out of the human heart that all evil intentions come. Why, then, would you want to follow your heart? The scriptures call us to follow God’s Word, which is the lamp to our feet and a light to our path. Christ calls us to take up our crosses and follow him. We are to follow the promptings of the Spirit, not the self and its fickle, deceitful heart.

This brings us to our gospel reading for today. Jesus commends to us a set of practices. He encourages us to give, to pray, and to fast. These are, of course, the traditional practices, or focal points, of Lent. We seek to be renewed in these practices of the Christian faith.

Jesus warns us against doing any of these things for the wrong reasons. We should not do them in order to be seen by others. We should not do them for outward show. This doesn’t mean we should hide our faith. It doesn’t mean we shouldn’t ever pray in public, for instance. It means we shouldn’t put our faith on display to impress others or to draw attention to ourselves. We are to do these things for the sake of the Father, in response to his promises, not for our own self-glorification.

And then Jesus talks about our hearts! Jesus goes on to say, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Here’s the real reason we are invited to give, and to pray, and to fast. We give and pray and fast so that our hearts would rest in God. You see, when we give, we are learning to not cling so tightly to money and possessions. When we pray, we are centering our hearts on God. When we fast, voluntarily abstaining from something, we are training our hearts to not cling so tightly to worldly pleasures for our comfort and security. These are practices which lead to good heart health, spiritually speaking. Probably physically too!

The heart, Jesus is saying, will dwell on whatever a person treasures most. These practices of giving and praying and fasting help peel our fingers back from the idols we cling to so tightly. They help loosen our grip on our false gods, so that we can cling instead to “the only true God and rest in him alone.”

There are a surprising number of hearts in our scripture readings for Ash Wednesday. But these aren’t the sugary hearts of Valentine’s Day. Instead, these references in scripture point to our need for new hearts: hearts that return to the Lord our God, hearts that need to be cleaned, created anew by God’s purifying grace, hearts that need to be re-centered on the treasures of heaven.

These old hearts of ours are dust, and to dust they will return. But this Lord of ours is gracious and merciful. He is slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. Our hearts are safe in his hands.

In fact, he has a Valentine for us today. Even amidst the ashes he gives us a sign of his great love for us. He gives us his own body and blood, gifts from his own heart, so that his grace would run through our bloodstream, literally reaching our hearts, making them strong and clean and new even now.

Thanks be to God. Amen.

Rev. Jeffrey R. Spencer

Oak Harbor Lutheran Church

Sermon for Transfiguration Sunday – February 11, 2024

CLICK HERE for a worship video for February 11

Sermon for Transfiguration Sunday – February 11, 2024

Mark 9:2-9

Dear friends, grace to you and peace from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.

We are just coming out of a season known in the Pacific Northwest as “The Big Dark,” that season of gloomy weather that stretches from October to March, when the daylight hours are few. It can be a dreary time.

We do, however, get glimpses of what is to come on the other side of the Big Dark – especially in these latter weeks of the season. We get the odd 60-degree day. We get a break in the clouds. We notice that it is still light out at 4:30, and then 5. We get these glimpses of spring, even while it is still winter and mostly cold and damp and dark.

My wife and I live just up the hill from St. Augustine’s Catholic Church. Despite the weather, we’ve made a habit recently of taking walks in the early evening, and part of our route goes through their prayer garden behind their parking lot. Just this past week we were strolling through the Stations of the Cross in the prayer garden. It was a cold, drippy, dark day. The breeze was making our ears ache from the cold. Most of the plants in the garden are brown and limp and dormant, but just as we coming to the end of the pathway, we saw a little patch of brilliant yellow flowers. There they were, these bright, shockingly vibrant yellow crocuses. They were, I kid you not, just behind the stained-glass station depicting the Resurrection.

And so, in the dark, damp, cold twilight, there was this welcome glimpse of spring.

There was a little bit of Easter breaking out right there in the cold, hard ground – this brilliant glimpse of what is to come.

Today is Transfiguration Sunday, the last Sunday in the season of Epiphany. Throughout the season of Epiphany we have been catching glimpses of who Jesus is. On the first Sunday in the Epiphany season we heard God speak as Jesus was baptized, saying, “This is my Son, my beloved!” The next Sunday we heard Nathanael say to Jesus: “You are the Son of God, the King of Israel!” Then we heard that Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s promises. A couple Sundays ago we heard a demon say to Jesus, “I know you are – the Holy One of God!” Last Sunday we learned that Jesus is a healer of bodies and a healer of souls.

If you’ve had good church attendance these past weeks of Epiphany, perhaps you’ve picked up on this theme. This season has been about getting to know Jesus. The readings were carefully selected by the crafters of the lectionary to give us these glimpses of who he is.

And now on the last Sunday in Epiphany, we follow Peter and James and John to the top of a high mountain for the biggest revelation yet. At the top of that mountain Jesus was transfigured before them. He became radiant with light. His clothes were whiter than anyone in that dusty country had ever seen. “Such as no one on earth could bleach them,” St. Mark tells us.

Something similar happened when Moses went up Mount Sinai to receive the commandments. Moses couldn’t look at God directly or he would die, so God hid him in the cleft of a rock, but simply being in close proximity to God caused Moses’ face to shine. When he came back down the mountain he had to wear a veil for days so he wouldn’t freak people out!

There’s an important difference, however, to what happened with Moses and what is happening with Jesus. The light on Moses’ face was reflected light. It was like the glow on your face from a camera flash. That’s not what’s happening here with Jesus. Jesus was “transfigured.” You might recognized the Greek word here. It is metamorpho, which means “changed from within.” The light Jesus was shining was emanating out of him. I love the phrase in our Hymn of the Day for today which describes it as “unborrowed light.” Jesus didn’t merely reflect God. He is God! He emanated God’s glory. In the transfiguration Jesus’ humanity was momentarily pulled back like a curtain to reveal his divinity.

Speaking of Moses, when Jesus was transfigured suddenly Moses was there too, and Elijah with him! Moses represented the law and Elijah represented the prophets and they were there with Jesus. For a moment they were in a holy huddle, with Jesus emanating this brilliant light from within.

Peter’s response to all of this was to propose a building project. His response was to suggest building three dwelling places, one for each of them. It was an idea so dumb that St. Mark sort of apologizes for him. “He did not know what to say, for they were terrified.” (I love Peter, because sometimes I say dumb things too.)

Just then a cloud came over the mountain, and from the cloud came a voice. God repeated what he had said at Jesus’ baptism: “This is my Son, the beloved.” Only now God included a command: “Listen to him!”

“You don’t need to build anything, Peter,” God was saying, “you need to listen to my Son.”

And what did Jesus then say? As they were coming down the mountain, Jesus told them to not say anything about what they had seen until after the Son of Man had risen from the dead.

I think this is the key to understanding this whole scene, this entire epiphany. Jesus connects what happened on the mountaintop to what would happen a short time later when he would be raised from the dead. It’s like he’s telling these three disciples, “Spoiler alert! Don’t ruin the surprise! Keep this to yourselves for a while until the final episode airs, OK?” Jesus connects what happened in his Transfiguration with what would later happen in his Resurrection.

This great epiphany, then, is a glimpse of Easter. We see the supposedly dead and gone Moses and Elijah very much alive and chatting Jesus up. We are shown that death has no power over them! While Moses couldn’t look at God directly and live, here we see sinners like Peter, James, and John looking directly at God and not dying! We catch a glimpse of Christ’s power on full display as he emanates God’s glorious light.

This is not only a great epiphany; this is a glimpse, a foretaste, of Easter! It was a glimpse for Peter and James and John, and it is a glimpse for us too. And oh, how we need it. For there is a Big Dark among us that is more than seasonal. There is a darkness that plagues us that goes far beyond the weather. We see how the power of sin is at work in so many different insidious ways, wreaking havoc on our community and our country and our world. We see the darkness in our own hearts that sometimes has us acting coldly towards the people around us. There is that damp wind of sickness and sadness, death and despair that blows through our lives from time to time.

We long for light. We long for hope. We long for peace. We long for the new life of Easter.

Dear friends, the Transfiguration is like that brilliant patch of yellow flowers in full bright bloom in that prayer garden. The Transfiguration is our glimpse of Easter. In the Transfiguration, the light of Christ breaks into our darkness even now as he reveals his power and glory to us through his Word. God has come to us in his Son, and today we see his light shining into our lives.

This light changes things for us. C. S. Lewis once wrote: “I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen — not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.” This light illuminates the truth of God’s will – for us and for the world. This light exposes our sin while at the same time illuminating our savior. In the end, Moses and Elijah fade back into obscurity and there is only Jesus. His light shines with forgiveness and mercy for sinners. Salvation is through him alone. It does not come by our own righteousness, our own works of the law.  It is only Jesus. It is a free gift for all who place their trust in him.

This light illuminates the truth of our relationship status with God. It reveals to us that we are no longer under the curse of sin, and so we can know God. By the light of Christ we can look upon God and live! We can know God’s love and power and peace in our lives.

This light is a glimpse of the resurrection, in which Jesus overcomes the deepest darkness of all, the darkness of death. He promises that it will not keep its grip on us. He promises to raise us up with him. He promises us eternal life in the place he himself has prepared for us.

The light of Christ is the light by which we see everything else.

If you want a glimpse that spring is coming, I really suggest you take a stroll through the prayer garden at St. Augustine’s. Trust me, you won’t burst into flames. If Father Chris is walking by, he will welcome you. If you want a glimpse of spring, take a stroll over there.

But if you need a glimpse of Easter, behold the Lord Jesus on the mountaintop today. If the darkness has seemed overwhelming to you in recent days or weeks,

today he gives you this glimpse of his brilliant glory and power. He gives you a glimpse of his true identity as God, assuring you that everything he has said is trustworthy and true. And he has said. “Your sin is forgiven.”He has said, “This is my body, given for you.”

He has also said, “Do not be afraid.” He has said, “Because I live, you will live also.” He has said, “No one will snatch you out of my hands. He has said, “I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Today our Lord Jesus gives you a glimpse of the future he has in store for you and for all of us, a glimpse of that day when his light will vanquish every last darkness, and we will bask in his glory forever.

In the meantime, listen to him.


Rev. Jeffrey R. Spencer

Oak Harbor Lutheran Church

Sermon for the Fifth Sunday after Epiphany – February 4, 2024

CLICK HERE for a worship video for February 4

Sermon for the Fifth Sunday after Epiphany – February 4, 2024

Mark 1:29-39

Dear friends, grace and peace to you from God our Father and from our Lord Jesus Christ.

A fever is a sign that there is a battle going on inside your body. It is an indicator that something has invaded – perhaps a virus, perhaps a bacteria, perhaps an infection – and your body is fighting it off. It is like the “check engine” light in your car. It is a sign that something isn’t right.

A fever is also often seen as a flashing light saying, “stay away.” We all remember from the pandemic (if I dare bring that up) how there were temperature check stations at every hospital and clinic and nursing home. If you had the slightest sign of a fever, you weren’t allowed in. We remember school districts encouraging staff and teachers and parents to take temperatures, and if it was higher than 98.6, to stay home. Costco started carrying those instant-read thermometers so employers could zap their employees, sending them away if they had an elevated temperature. Families were even using them to see who was allowed to come over and who had to stay away. And it’s true, it’s a good indicator. If someone has a fever, they should stay away!

A fever was an even more serious concern in Jesus’ time, because in those days when there was one of those battles going on inside your body, there was little you could do to fight it. There were no hospitals. There were no antibiotics. There was no Tylenol to knock that fever down if it got too high. For many people in the ancient world, a fever was often the beginning of the end. It was certainly a sign to stay away.

But when Simon Peter’s mother-in-law came down with a fever, Jesus didn’t stay away from her. When Peter asked Jesus to come, he did. He came close to her. Jesus made a house call, coming to her bedside. He even took her by the hand! St. Mark seems to want to tell the story of Jesus in as few words as possible, and yet he includes this detail: Jesus took her by the hand.

Personally, I’m a big fan of hand holding. My wife and I hold hands on our evening walks, and while I know that makes some people cringe or roll their eyes, that little extra gesture of closeness has a way of healing any recent strains on our relationship. We find that it is hard to stay mad at someone you’re holding hands with. Or there was the time I had my upper wisdom teeth taken out and the nurse held my hand until I was out. It was a complicated procedure for me because of where they were, and I was nervous. Holding a patient’s hand isn’t necessarily a required protocol, I’m sure, but she sensed it was what I needed, and it was such a comfort. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve held someone’s hand in their last hours. Sometimes they are unable to receive communion. Sometimes they can’t talk. But in holding their hand, feeling that slight squeeze of their hand responding to you, there is a closeness.

This gesture of Jesus in holding the hand of Peter’s mother-in-law wasn’t necessary. He could heal with a word. He could heal from a distance. But in his great compassion, his great love, Jesus came close – close enough to hold her hand. Jesus took her by the hand and lifted her up, and the fever left her. She was well again.

And then, immediately after she was well again, she got up out of bed and began to serve them! Now if my mother-in-law had been sick and then was made well, the last thing I would expect from her would be to get up and start serving everyone in the house. (I am wise about some things.) That this woman immediately served them might sound offensive. It might sound like there are some patriarchal cultural obligations at work. Why are they letting this poor woman who just moments ago was sick in bed serve them? I mean, come on guys, can’t you make your own sandwiches?

But this misses the point entirely. The point here is that when Jesus took her hand, he gave her strength. He empowered her, and she chose to use that strength, that power, to serve. You’ll notice that nobody asked her to serve them. She just did it!

I’ve been visiting one of our members regularly since she has been receiving treatments for cancer. Many of our visits have been like little tea parties, and most of the time she insists on pouring the tea. I try to tell her it isn’t necessary, that she doesn’t need to make a fuss. Her husband is a great caregiver. He stands by and offers to help out. Sometimes if she’s a little shaky that day he will do the pouring. But it is important to her to do it whenever she can. She wants to use whatever strength she has in that moment to serve, and as sheepish as I sometimes feel about letting a cancer patient pour my tea, it seems more wrong to tell her she can’t or shouldn’t. It is so obviously important to her. It is so obviously coming from a place of love, from the heart of a joyful servant.

I appreciated the commentary on this passage written by my professor of New Testament in seminary, Dr. Sarah Henrich. She notes that the Greek word for “serve” here in this gospel reading is diakoneo, which is the same word Jesus uses to describe his own ministry. It is where we get the word “deacon.” Dr. Henrich goes on to argue that Simon Peter’s mother-in-law is willingly and joyfully serving Jesus as an act of gratitude and faith.  She writes that in her serving here “she is the first person in Mark’s gospel who exemplifies true discipleship.”  This was no mere cultural obligation. This woman was now a servant of the Lord, a servant in his church. She had been lifted up by Jesus’ compassion and mercy. She had been strengthened by his touch, such that she now willingly, freely, responded to his love through joyful service.

The news that Jesus had healed Simon Peter’s mother-in-law spread quickly. By the end of the day all kinds of people showed up at the house to be healed by Jesus. They brought to him all who were sick or possessed with demons. St. Mark tells us that “the whole city” was gathered around the door! Jesus cured many of them.

But then Jesus left. First he went to a deserted place by himself to pray. Then, when Simon Peter told him that everyone was searching for him, Jesus said it was time to move on.  And why? Because Jesus had not come primarily to be a healer of physical ailments. He had not come primarily to be a nurse or an EMT.  Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Let us go on to the neighboring towns, so that I may proclaim the message there also; for that is what I came out to do.”

Jesus’ healing ministry is important. It is a sign to us that Jesus comes close to those who are sick. Jesus’ healing ministry reveals to us that God is concerned about our physical well-being, that God cares about our bodies. But this ministry of physical healing was not Jesus’ primary mission or purpose.

You see, Jesus had an even bigger fever to break. Jesus came to heal us of the bigger disease of sin, that spiritual disease we all confessed to having at the beginning of our service. Jesus came to cure the sickness in our hearts that leads to selfishness and doubts and fear and hatred and despair. He came to break the fever in our souls that rages as we fight against the temptations and the accusations and the lies of the evil one. Jesus came to heal us of everything that separates us from God. In fact, Jesus came to cure us of death itself.

And he does all of this by coming close to us with a message. He does it by coming close to us and giving us his Word, revealing to us that he has come to be our Savior and our Lord. He does it by coming close to us with the promise that he has conquered sin and death for us through his death and resurrection. Jesus comes close through Word and Sacrament to assure us that through his saving work on the cross, the bigger fever has been broken. The ultimate disease has been cured. And so we have nothing to fear.

We have many in our congregation who are battling serious illnesses. As that battle in your body is fought, know that Christ will not stay away from you. He will come close to you to give you strength and peace. If you like, we have healing prayer ministers who are here today to pray for you and with you during our distribution of the Lord’s Supper. If you like, they will take you by the hand and pray for you or for people you care about, so that you would know his closeness, his compassion, his caring heart, his healing love.

And for all of us who continue to know the fever caused by sin as that battle rages in our souls, our Lord Jesus comes close to us too. He doesn’t stay away. He comes to us with the message that we are forgiven and loved and redeemed. He comes close to us with the Word that makes us well. He takes us by the hand and lifts us up by his grace and mercy, strengthening us by his touch, so that we gratefully and joyfully live our lives in service to him.

Thanks be to God. Amen.

Rev. Jeffrey R. Spencer

Oak Harbor Lutheran Church

Sermon for the Fourth Sunday after Epiphany – January 28, 2024

CLICK HERE for a worship video for January 28

Sermon for the Fourth Sunday after Epiphany – January 28, 2024

Mark 1:21-28

Dear friends, grace to you and peace from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our worship services share a lot in common with synagogue worship, both in Jesus’ time and today. We follow an established pattern or order or liturgy which includes the singing of psalms and prewritten prayers and a confession of faith and a schedule of readings. We have people whose vocation is to tend to the Word, to study and pray and then speak on those prescribed readings.

And, both then and now, the authority by which these things are done and said is a derived authority. It doesn’t come directly from the one speaking, but from another. The rabbis preaching in synagogue would quote the rabbis who came before them to bolster their authority. They would quote from the Talmud, a collection of rabbinic teachings and debates. Similarly, I will often firm up a point I’m trying to make in a sermon by quoting recognized authorities in Christian theology, people like St. Augustine or Martin Luther or C.S. Lewis.

Furthermore, when I proclaim to you the forgiveness of sins, every time I say it, I say, “As a called and ordained ministry of the church of Christ, and by his authority,” referring to Jesus. I am speaking with a derived authority. It is Christ’s forgiveness. It didn’t come from me. I’m just the guy who gets to say it! Or when our lectors conclude each reading, they say, “The Word of the Lord.” It isn’t their word. It isn’t something they came up with. It is God’s Word. It is authoritative because it comes from him.

Today in our gospel reading we hear how Jesus went to a synagogue service in Capernaum. In fact, he was the preacher that day. But when Jesus spoke, St. Mark tells us, the people were astounded because he taught as one having authority! He didn’t talk like the scribes, or like pastors, often quoting other people. He didn’t talk like assisting ministers, clarifying that it was the Word of the Lord you just heard. He was the Son of God. He was the Word who became flesh. He was the authority! And so when he forgave sins, he didn’t need to cite anyone else. He had the authority to do so himself! He had the power. He had the authorization. When he read scripture, he didn’t need to say, “The Word of the Lord.” He could simply say it! After all, it was his word! Like no one else before and no one since, Jesus had the power and the authority to say what only God can say. And so the people were astounded.

It wasn’t only the worshippers who noticed that Jesus was more than a guest preacher. The demons recognized him too. There was a man in worship that day with an unclean spirit. This unclean spirit recognized Jesus as someone different, as someone with authority, as someone with power. “What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth?” it said. “Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are, the Holy One of God.”

And then Jesus showed his power. He illustrated his authority. He answered the unclean spirit’s question by silencing him and by casting him out. Now the people went from being astounded to being amazed. They saw Jesus’ power in action. “He commands even the unclean spirits, and they obey him!” they said.

Martin Luther once said that wherever God builds a church, the devil builds a chapel. (See what I did there, quoting other people?) Seriously, it’s a great quote because it is a pithy way of describing something true. The man with the unclean spirit was at the synagogue. He was attending worship. His demon didn’t get checked at the door with his coat. It followed him right into worship. This is how it is for us. God’s people continue to be plagued by demons. It’s true: wherever God builds a church, the devil builds a chapel. Even us who are in worship regularly often face these unclean spirits which torment us, and they don’t stay out in the parking lot when we come to church.

The demons loose in our lives and in our world don’t necessarily look like what you might have seen in The Exorcist. They don’t always manifest themselves with spinning heads and projectile vomiting and screeching violins in the background. They are usually much more subtle than that. They prefer to remain hidden in the darkness most of the time. We shouldn’t dwell on them too much, but neither should we doubt their existence, as is common today. C. S. Lewis once said that the devil’s greatest trick is to convince you he doesn’t exist. (See? I did it again!)

It is instructive to look at the words the Bible uses to describe these malevolent forces in our world and in our lives. The name “Satan” is a Hebrew word that means accuser. The word “devil” is from the Greek word diabolos, which means deceiver. With those words in mind, we can see a little better how these unclean, or ungodly, spirits work. They lie, and they accuse.

Let me illustrate with a personal example. As many of you know, my mother died a couple of years ago from an accidental prescription drug overdose, after years of struggling with addiction. I was a mess following her death and started going to a counselor. One day as I was driving to my counseling appointment, I was listening to the Christian music station and the song “Rescue” by Lauren Daigle came on. I remembered when Amy and I went to see her in concert that she dedicated that song to a family member who struggled with addiction. Some of the words are, “I will send out an army to find you in the middle of the darkest night. It’s true, I will rescue you.”

As I listened to this song, remembering how Lauren Daigle dedicated it that night, it was like I heard a voice. I didn’t literally hear a voice, which, seriously, can be a sign of acute mental illness. But it was like I heard a voice. Let’s call it an intrusive thought. This intrusive thought said, “You didn’t rescue her. You didn’t do enough. You were her son and you’re a pastor and you didn’t rescue her.” I sobbed for the rest of the drive.

I told my counselor all of this.  She is a Christian herself, and she knew the song. She looked at me. She pursed her lips in an awkward smile that said, “Jeff, you big dummy.” (A good counselor would never say that out loud, and she didn’t, but it sure looked like that was what she was thinking.) She finally blurted out, “Jeff, who do you think is doing the rescuing in that song? It isn’t Lauren Daigle! If she thinks she’s the rescuer, then the song is blasphemous! C’mon, you know better than that! She’s singing about Jesus! He’s the rescuer!”

She went on to talk about the accusation I was hearing, the accusation that it was my fault, that I should have been able to rescue her. In therapy they call it maladaptive guilt. In Christian theology we could just as well call it spiritual attack. We could call it the work of the accuser.

And then she leaned in and said, “You did what you could. You did everything you should have. But it was never your job to rescue her. That’s Jesus’ job, not yours. And he did.”  In pointing me to Christ like she did, it was like a demon was being cast out.

The reason I share this story is because I know that many of you hear that same voice in your ears. I know many of you have similar kinds of intrusive thoughts. You have the same unclean spirit accusing and deceiving you day after day. I hear about it all the time in the pastoral care conversations I have with people. I can see it just under the surface in many people’s lives, lurking there in the shadows. Those spiritual attacks come at us especially strongly when we’re grieving, or sick, or lonely, or afraid, or discouraged, or struggling with some aspect of our lives. That’s when the deceiver smells blood. Those demons come along, saying, “You haven’t done enough,” or “You aren’t worthy of love,” or “There is no hope for you.” The accuser comes at us with our sins – whether they are real sins or exaggerated or even completely made up – all in an attempt to put a wedge between us and God.

It is true that we really are sinners, but there is a difference between conviction and condemnation. The Holy Spirit always tells us the truth in order to drive us to Christ, while the devil tells us lies in order to drive us into despair.

The circumstances of our lives might all be very different, but the demons all have the same modus operandi: “bleed them of hope in whatever way you can.” We can’t rescue each other from these demons. We can only point each other to the One who can.

It’s true: wherever God builds a church, the devil builds a chapel. Just as the man in Capernaum went to worship with an unclean spirit, we often come to worship with a devil on our shoulder, with an unclean spirit weighing us down.

The good news is that all these years after Jesus preached in the synagogue, he continues to show up in the church God built. He continues to teach with authority. He continues to cast out unclean spirits by his powerful Word. Although it is a derived authority, do not doubt that when the church hands over the words Christ gave it so speak, it speaks with his same authority. When it says your sins are forgiven, or that you have been marked with the cross of Christ forever, or that this is his body, given for you, it is speaking the words he himself authorized for you to hear. These are powerful words. So powerful, in fact, that the devils in the side chapels of God’s church cannot remain. They must obey him. His power is too great for them. His Word continues to cast them out, so that we might be restored, so that we would live in wholeness and hope once again.

And so when the unclean spirit whispers that you haven’t done enough, listen to Christ teach with authority that what he has done is more than enough. When the accuser throws your sins in your face, real or made up, listen to Christ say that by his authority, all your sins are forgiven. When the accuser tells you that you aren’t worthy of love, listen to Christ Jesus say with all the authority of God himself that you are so worthy, so precious, so loved, that he gave his own life in order to rescue you.

Thanks be to God. Amen.

Rev. Jeffrey R. Spencer

Oak Harbor Lutheran Church

Sermon for the Third Sunday after Epiphany – January 21, 2024

CLICK HERE for a worship video for January 21

Sermon for the Third Sunday after Epiphany – January 21, 2024

Jonah 3:1-5, 10, Mark 1:14-20

Dear friends, grace to you and peace from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.

What would you need to hear to make you immediately drop everything and respond?

For some, it might be the news that there are whales in Penn Cove or out at West Beach. I know people who, when they hear those words, the next sound you hear is their car peeling out in the parking lot! For some, it might be a call from your kid, or from your kids’ school, or, if you have kids in college like me, even just from your kids’ area code. If I get a call from Pullman, Washington, or College Station, Texas, I will drop everything to answer it! For some it might be the news that your cows got loose, or that your pregnant wife’s water just broke, or that there’s a plane leaving for Hawaii with some free seats available.

There are some things we hear which are so compelling or urgent or important or wonderful that we are willing to drop everything to respond.

In our gospel reading this morning we have four fishermen who heard something that made them drop everything and respond.

First, we have Simon and Andrew, two fishermen from Galilee. They were at work at their jobs, casting their nets into the sea, when Jesus called to them. “Follow me, and I will make you fish for people!” he said. And immediately, St. Mark tells us, they left their nets and followed him.

Next, we have James and John, two more fishermen. These two were in their boats mending their nets when Jesus called to them. And right there on the spot they left their father Zebedee and their hired men and followed Jesus.

What was it that compelled these four fishermen to drop everything and respond?

Well, Jesus had come to Galilee with a compelling message. Jesus came to Galilee proclaiming the good news of God, saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news.”

These are the very first recorded words of Jesus in Mark’s gospel. They constitute Jesus’ very first sermon. Let’s take a closer look at what he had to say.

First came a wonderful announcement: “The time is fulfilled!” Jesus said. What did it mean that the time was fulfilled? There are two words in the New Testament that are translated as “time” in English. There is chronos, which is where we get words like “chronology” and “chronological.” This word refers to linear time, time which can be marked and measured. It is one o’clock and then two o’clock. It is January and then February.  That’s chronos.  But there’s another word for time in the New Testament. That word is kairos. Kairos refers not to linear time, but to the proper time, the right time. When a baker is baking bread, he or she knows the bread is ready to come out not just by the clock, but by the doneness, right? They look at the crust, they thump on the bottom of the loaf, and say, “It’s time.” What has been waited for has happened. That’s kairos.  Jesus begins his very first sermon by saying “It’s time.” The thing that everyone had been waiting and watching for had happened. The promise that God was coming to save his people was now being fulfilled.

“The kingdom of God has come near,” Jesus continued. When Jesus talks about the kingdom of God he is not talking about a place. He isn’t talking about a territory or a region or a castle. He isn’t talking about an earthly structure of some kind. He isn’t talking about an organization or a network or an institution. Instead, the kingdom of God is whenever and wherever God makes himself known. It is whenever and wherever God’s rule, God’s authority, is made manifest. Or, as one Bible scholar put it, the kingdom of God is whenever and wherever God makes a personal appearance. This is what happened with the appearance of Jesus in Galilee. God had come near!

Next Jesus called for a response. After this proclamation, this amazing announcement, Jesus said, “Repent, and believe in the good news.”

To repent is to turn around. It is to change direction. It is to change your mind, your heart, your behavior, your life.

In our first reading we heard how Jonah reluctantly went to Nineveh to call them to repent: “Forty days more, and Nineveh will be overthrown!” he said. Here was an announcement that, much to Jonah’s chagrin, got them to drop everything and respond! And they responded by changing direction. Nineveh was a notoriously wicked city. As the capital of the Assyrian Empire, it was one of Israel’s most ruthless enemies, which is why Jonah didn’t want to go there in the first place. The prophet Nahum called Nineveh a “city of blood” and a place of “endless cruelty.” The Ninevites rejected God and God’s ways and God’s people.

But then Jonah called them to repentance, and everything changed. They changed direction. They proclaimed a fast as a sign of their turn towards the one true God. They changed clothes, with everyone, both great and small, putting on sackcloth as a sign of their changed hearts. They changed their behavior too. We hear that they turned from their evil ways. This is what it means to repent.

At least in part. You see, there’s another way of understanding what it means to repent. For the people of Israel this word had a history of being used to call the people to change their behavior, to be sure, but it had another meaning too. For the Israelites in exile, it was also understood as an invitation to return to God. It was understood as an invitation to come home, both literally and spiritually. That puts a different nuance on it, doesn’t it? What if every time we heard the word “repent,” we heard an invitation to come home? That’d get people to drop everything and respond, don’t you think?

Finally, Jesus said, “believe in the good news.” Jesus’ proclamation was not good advice; it was good news. In him, the time had been fulfilled. In him, the kingdom of God had come near. “Believe it!” Jesus is saying here. “Trust what I am saying to you! Respond to my words with faith. Respond by following me.”

The Ninevites and Simon and Andrew and James and John all heard a word from the Lord which compelled them to drop everything and respond. The Ninevites dropped their wicked ways. The fishermen dropped their nets, at least for now. They responded by immediately following the Lord in faith.

And now it is our turn.

Today we hear Christ Jesus say to us: “The time is fulfilled.” No matter what is going on for you in chronological time, no matter what life is like for you on January 21st, 2024, no matter what life was like for you yesterday or will be like for you tomorrow, no matter what you might be experiencing in linear time, the Lord Jesus says, “the time is fulfilled.” The time is right. The time is right for you to know his presence, his mercy, his grace, his love. That time has come. It is now.

Today we hear that the kingdom of God has come near to us. God’s kingdom has infiltrated our world. God’s presence and power has infiltrated our lives. In the midst of the brokenness of the kingdoms of the earth in which we live, God’s kingdom has entered in – not to claim territory or build a castle, not to wield earthly power, but to make himself known to us. In Jesus, God has made a personal appearance, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit he might come to rule our hearts with his peace.

Today through this living word we hear the Lord Jesus call us to repent. We are called to turn from all wickedness, as the people of Nineveh did. We are called to turn from all sin. We are called to change our direction, our minds, our hearts, our behavior, and our lives in response to his gracious call. All who find themselves in exile from God are graciously invited to come home to him.

Today we are called once again to believe in the good news. We are called to trust in God’s Word, in what Christ Jesus has said to us.

And he has said: “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news.”

Jesus very first sermon continues to be so compelling, so urgent, so important, so wonderful, that we can’t help but respond to it immediately with faith – a faith that follows him, and invites others to do the same.

Thanks be to God. Amen


Rev. Jeffrey R. Spencer

Oak Harbor Lutheran Church