HIS KIDS PRESCHOOL has been an important ministry of Oak Harbor Lutheran Church since 1993. Our preschool program provides families of young learners (3–5 year-olds) from all areas of Whidbey Island with inclusive, compassionate, and affordable early education. During...
Join us on Wednesdays during Lent
Midweek Lenten services will be held on Wednesdays at Noon and 6pm throughout the Lenten season, with soup suppers following. Our theme for worship will be "True God from True God," focusing on the Nicene Creed as the church celebrates its 1700th anniversary this...
Adult Education for Lent
As the church throughout the world marks the 1700th anniversary of the Nicene Creed, this Lent we will turn our attention to the great truths of scripture conveyed through this important confession of faith. This will be our focus both on Wednesdays for worship and...
This Sunday: Pi(e) Day at OHLC!
Join us this Sunday (March 16) after our 10:30 service for Pi(e) Day at OHLC! We'll have lots and lots of pie to enjoy together!
Adult Education for Lent
As the church throughout the world marks the 1700th anniversary of the Nicene Creed, this Lent we will turn our attention to the great truths of scripture conveyed through this important confession of faith. We meet on Sunday mornings from 9:15-10:15 in the church...
March 9: Youth & Family Night
Join us for from 4pm-6pm as we make fresh, homemade pretzels and explore the relationship between pretzels, prayer, and the season of Lent. We will also be serving chili for dinner. All are welcome! Join us for an evening of faith, fun, and fellowship!
Ash Wednesday is March 5
We mark the beginning of Lent on March 5 with Ash Wednesday services at Noon and 7pm. Services include the imposition of ashes and Holy Communion. Please note there will be no soup meal following this service.
Our adult education class will begin the new year with a survey of the life and letters of the Apostle Paul. The class will begin Sunday, January 12, with an overview of his life. We won't meet on January 19 due to the semi-annual meeting. The class will then take up...